Training programs
These services include the following activities:
- Summer training programs for undergraduate students in the following disciplines:
The main objective of summer training programs is to build up the skills of engineering students and develop their skills to meet the engineering work markets. These programs include:
- Architecture engineering.
- Civil engineering.
- Electrical, LV&MV engineering.
- Electrical HV engineering.
- Mechanical engineering.
- OHTL/UGC engineering.
These programs are variant each year as per company circumstances and work load in each department.
- On Job training programs for post graduate engineers.
The main objective of these programs is training of fresh graduate engineers along 3 up to 4 months in order to select the suitable candidates for employment as per the need of each department.
These programs are variant from time to time as per actual needs for each department.
- Special training programs:
These programs are for all engineers, either individuals or authorities and arranged upon request. These programs include:
- Introduction to concepts of Architecture design.
- Details of Architecture design for different types of buildings and new cities.
- Introduction to concepts of structural design.
- Details of structure design for different types of projects using different types of software.
- Introduction for LV and MV networks.
- Introduction for HV transmission projects.
- Base Design of OHTL and UGC projects.
- Introduction for HVAC design.
- Introduction for Plumbing design.
- Primary Engineering Base Design of HV substation.
- Primary Engineering Detailed Design of HV substation.
- Secondary Engineering Base Design of HV substation.
- Secondary Engineering Detailed Design of HV substation.
- Testing of Protection relays.